Saturday, July 28, 2018

Blog post - Heavenly 'Miracle' McDaniel

Somewhere in Philly

Somewhere in Philly, behind the musty heat of the summer and the bark of the cold winter, someone is sitting there crying. Unsure of how their life will turn out. Doesn’t know who to trust and not really sure whether to end their pain or their life, so they end both.
Somewhere in Philly, behind the ignorant minds and past lost dreams, the city is very brotherly.
Somewhere in Philly, behind the hearts of gold and the eyes of an eagle, someone is misunderstood. They're only here to share the love that they have, but instead they're pushed away because of the traits that they pass.
Did you hear that? Somewhere in Philly, a gun went off. The person is now wondering of the damaged that they caused. They only did it out of stress, not to break the law.
Somewhere in Philly, a girl just found out she was pregnant. Knowing they’ll walk away, she’s clueless on what to say.
Somewhere in Philly, a child is alone.
Somewhere in Philly, a teenager drops out.
Somewhere in Philly, someone is sad, laughing, begging, screaming, or silent.
Somewhere in Philly...


  1. A Pennsylvania FarmerJuly 29, 2018 at 1:06 PM

    A very powerful poem. Somewhere in Philly, all of those things might be happening right now. I also love the consistency of the metre. It's got such a great rhythm it would be a great spoken word peace!

  2. You have stated so much in so few words. The message is clear along with the sadness. As the reader I felt the pain of the writer. Outstanding work.

  3. A Pennsylvania FarmerJuly 29, 2018 at 3:47 PM

    Sorry, "piece."

  4. I feel the deep emotion. A lot of pain. I'd love to see a companion piece that counters with a hopeful view.

  5. This is very well written and very powerful. I am truly speechless....

  6. I agree with Farmer -- very powerful, and I would LOVE to hear the author read this poem.

  7. Right here in Philly is a talented writer with keen observation and a sensitive nature. I want to hear more!

  8. Hi Miracle;
    I would like to reiterate what others have said by stating that this is a very powerful piece filled with emotion and that as a result you have provided for the reader an insight into the daily lives of scores of people in the City of Brotherly Love. I also would like to see you expound on this piece.

  9. There's a lot of pain in this piece, but also a lot of love and sympathy for everything that this city contains. My favorite line is "behind the musty heat of the summer and the bark of the cold winter" because it's so vivid and captures the seasons so well.

  10. Miracle,

    It is amazing to me how a person in the midst of a crowded city can feel so utterly alone. It seems contrary to logic, but it happens all the time. Your piece captures that concept very well.

  11. You write with imagery that illustrates some of the narratives that people experience. I hear warmth in the tone of the poem and I think that it acknowledges those that might feel invisible. Beautifully written!
