Saturday, July 23, 2022

Isaac's Blog Post

I never want to back down from a challenge. So on this Tuesday afternoon, at 2:33 p.m., to be exact, the biggest challenge of this summer awaited me. In an innocent way, I stepped into the ice cream shop and the ice cream sundae caught my eye. Ice cream is one of my favorite foods and an ice cream sundae seemed like a great idea on this hot day. I placed my order, requesting banana chocolate ice cream, banana slices and butterscotch sauce. Included on the sundae was already whipped cream and a cherry. I sat down after paying for the sundae and got on my phone to read some emails. My mind started drifting as I looked at the email providing details about my Algebra 2 honors math class. Then my sundae was placed before me. As I looked at it, I couldn’t believe my eyes. On top of two large waffles, were two mountainous scoops of banana chocolate ice cream. They resembled large grapefruits, possibly bigger. On top of that was a river of butterscotch sauce; on top of that were layers of slinky sliced bananas; on top of that a five-inch layer of whipped cream, and two cherries on top. It was an incredible sundae, the kind you see on food channels when they find the shop with the largest sundae. This is what was before me and I was excited and slightly scared. My first bite was a big chunk of whipped cream and some banana slices. I then started to dig into the ice cream layer. After 5 minutes had passed, I was starting to get nervous because I only had half of the sundae finished and I wanted to finish it. I was going to have to push myself if I wanted to finish the giant sundae. I slowly ate the cherries and banana slices with some whipped cream. I then started to eat the heavy ice cream with the butterscotch sauce and whipped cream. It was hard for me to eat so much ice cream at once, but I had finished eating it in just under 20 minutes. I had completed the ice cream challenge!


  1. My favorite part of the description is the "river of butterscotch sauce." Darn, now I need to go get some ice cream!

  2. This is so detailed that I could almost taste it. You have a knack for description! My favorite phrase is "slinky sliced bananas." Something about the alliteration makes the image even more vivid.

  3. Isaac;
    I thoroughly enjoyed reading your work today, and it`s ironic that as I am responding to you
    that I am actually eating a pint of Mint chocolate chip Ice cream. One of my favorite lines in
    your piece is the one that reads :" on top of two Waffles , were two mountainous scoops of
    Banana chocolate Ice Cream. They resembled two large grapefruits". I think that you were very effective in your descriptions of the experience so that reader could also taste and enjoy it.

  4. Isaac, you do a good job describing your ice cream. Have you thought about adding a bit more description of your setting to help the reader visualize your story?

  5. You did a good job describing the ice cream. It was fun to read

  6. Oh yum! You made me hungry!! Great descriptions. I wondered about the line about the math class. It was like a jolt of reality in the midst of pure ice cream bliss!
