I’m a girl
Sugar and spice and everything nice
Although right now I feel more like ice
The injustice makes my head spin
It’s such a long list,
Where do I begin?
A guy’s opinion is listened to,
A girl’s is pushed aside and discarded
We’re supposed to need help,
Be damsels in distress with our delicate feminine charm,
But crying makes us whiny,
Make up your mind,
Why dont’cha?
It isn’t fair and isn’t right
Girls should be a housewife but also a temptress
Make you sandwiches while being independent
When the husband makes more money it’s only right and proper,
But when the girl brings in the cash the guy gets major
Because oh my god he got beaten by a girl?
This proves he’s not “a real man”
He got beaten by the weaker sex
Beautiful maidens,
Supposed to be the symbol of innocence
Also supposed to have three kids
Before she’s even thirty
Tell us to take off the makeup because we should be natural,
Tell us we’re a fake,
We’re false advertising that already have a domestic fate
Say to be confident,
Yet hate when we are
Say short hair is boyish,
Get annoyed when we grow it
As a girl,
I can tell you I’m not taken seriously,
Told I shouldn’t dress like that if I’m not asking for
Would wearing a nun’s habit finally make you happy?
Say girls are too desperate,
That all we want is a man,
Yet there seems to be no shortage of movies
that would never pass the Bechtel test
Say girls are crazy and way too possessive,
That we scare you,
When we’ve been taught from day one
To compete in pursuing your affections
Taken out of class because our clothes are too “distracting”
When we disagree we’re catty, because girls should only be quiet
and sweet
But when men fight,
It’s badass,
We’re in for a real treat
Girls can only be straight,
Except for the sexual gratification of men,
In which case it’s “hot”
And not at all genuine
When a guy sleeps around,
He’s cheered along and
Considered a stud,
When a girl does it,
She just wants attention
Say feminists are crazy,
That we’re evil,
Can’t say I’m shocked,
That you’re doing witch hunts again
You tell me that women get handed everything to them on a silver
But if I did,
If we did,
why would this poem even matter?
Zamira Sigel-Kulick