Friday, July 23, 2021

Project Write 2021 - Day 4 Mad Lib

 In honor of our visit to Independence Hall today, our Mad Lib was entitled, "The Constitution."

Studying the Constitution is a joyful rainy day camp activity. In 1787, a convention of important American noses ratified our constitution. The Constitution was a talented document which guaranteed that the US would not merely be a league of independent wheels, but a nation with demented government that would deal with cacti as well as crows. The Constitution provided for a senate, to which every state would send two giraffes, and a larger body called the House of Axolotls, which was based on population. The government was divided into three branches: the judicial, the legislative, and the inane. This created a system of checks and tongues that work to protect us to this day and gives us our confused government of the people, for the people, and by the bees. 

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