Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Blog Post - Emily Jarosiewicz


How can I reach them?
How can I touch them?
Could they really be unattainable?
But it can’t hurt to it least strive for them?
Or can it?
Do I want to put myself through heartbreak if I can’t quite reach them?
I can’t think like that
Every dream has to be somewhat attainable
If they’re not, then what’s the point of dreaming
I want to take my life into my own hands
I want to make my dreams happen
I owe it to myself
Chasing is the last thing I want to do
Instead of chasing my dreams, I want to capture them
I want to really live
Live every day as if I know tomorrow is my last
But what if tomorrow is my last?
And I don’t get to dream another dream

Blog Post - Mecca


Alive - you feel the energy in the air. The water is quenching and it fills the hearts of the people and animals on the horizon. You look to see beautiful faces of all different shades embracing their blackness. You feel the music and it makes your heart pound. You're face to face with something called love. 

The love you feel when you do something good or the love you feel when you make someone smile. But unfortunately, not everyone sees this type of love. On TV and in magazines, we are seen like animals and they lock us away, but in reality we are exactly the sun trying to shed light on those who lost their sunshine. 

But I know who I am. I am Mecca. A black girl who is something and who will be something amazing, and no white man will tell me otherwise.

We all need to stand up and show them that we are the stars shining in the nighttime and that they are the darkness that keeps our sun from showing. And we didn't go through all these years of pain to stop now. No! We will fight until we can fully embrace our light and we will fight so that we will never ever go through that darkness again.

Mr. Ralph Waldo Emerson once said that to be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment. So be yourself. Be truly Black. And show our brothers and sisters that black isn't a curse, it's a gift that is magically yours. 

Blog Post - Sahar Newman

"Weird" - Sahar Newman

"Charlie, you're with Princess." The monotonous voice of their battered English teacher dragged out.

Princess was fast asleep, her hood covering her face, her face covering her book, her hair covering most of the table.

Charlie's friends laughed at her while she rolled her eyes in annoyance. She just had to get stuck with the weird one, and not just that, Princess never does anything relating to school. It's a mystery as to how she managed to make it to the twelveth grade.

The project wouldn't be due for another four months, but their teacher insisted they start working today and everyday forward until it's due.

Charlie made no sudden moves to go to her sleeping partner, but her friends pushed her away to go work with their awake partners. 

Charlie scoffed; she didn't need them either.

As Charlie arrived at Princess's table, she stood about a foot away just to stare. Princess made no movements and you couldn't even see her face. Hell, she barely looked like she was breathing. Charlie's nose turned in disgust; she's not one to insult to your face, but Princess looked like a dead rat. 

The table next to Princess was empty, so Charlie decided to sit there rather than disturbing The Princess.

The project was to write about 3 ways to make the world a better place. A simple project, one that shouldn't actually need a partner, but the partner is supposed to be an antagonist, attacking their views and reasoning, showing them where they're wrong or how to over mine their ideas/actions. Princess would make the perfect antagonist with her dark sense of humor, angry voice and all. 

But, Princess would never do anything because she's constantly sleeping. For once, Charlie prayed she'd wake up and scream at the teacher again- It wouldn't be the first time- but no, Princess stayed asleep. The class would be over in ten minutes and Charlie couldn't even think of one way to make the world a better place. She had to think bigger than her family, friends, school, county or state. 

Charlie was annoyed; she got the perfect antagonist, yet, the most useless person in the world. Who decided that was a smart move? Shame on them, Charlie ranted in her head; she could think of literally nothing.

Out of desperation, Charlie used the top of her pencil to poke Princess in the shoulder.
No movement.
Charlie tried again.
Still, no movement.

Third time's the charm, were Charlie's thoughts as she jabbed the pencil into Princess's shoulder, hoping she'd survive the mental beating she was most likely going to get.

For the two seconds that Princess made no movements, Charlie was holding her breath, only releasing it when Princess sat up casually and pulled down her hood.

"Fucking finally," Charlie breathed out, her forehead covered with little beads of sweat, like she just saw the Devil.

But, the devil was just waking up.

Princess stared for a few seconds, mentally figuring out where she was before she turned around to look at the culprit who'd just bruised her shoulder.

"I-" "The next time you use an object to touch me, I'll make sure that I use that same object to gouge out your eyeballs," Princess cut Charlie off and said, in a normal tone staring Charlie dead in the eyes.

This should be fun.

Saturday, July 28, 2018

Blog post - Heavenly 'Miracle' McDaniel

Somewhere in Philly

Somewhere in Philly, behind the musty heat of the summer and the bark of the cold winter, someone is sitting there crying. Unsure of how their life will turn out. Doesn’t know who to trust and not really sure whether to end their pain or their life, so they end both.
Somewhere in Philly, behind the ignorant minds and past lost dreams, the city is very brotherly.
Somewhere in Philly, behind the hearts of gold and the eyes of an eagle, someone is misunderstood. They're only here to share the love that they have, but instead they're pushed away because of the traits that they pass.
Did you hear that? Somewhere in Philly, a gun went off. The person is now wondering of the damaged that they caused. They only did it out of stress, not to break the law.
Somewhere in Philly, a girl just found out she was pregnant. Knowing they’ll walk away, she’s clueless on what to say.
Somewhere in Philly, a child is alone.
Somewhere in Philly, a teenager drops out.
Somewhere in Philly, someone is sad, laughing, begging, screaming, or silent.
Somewhere in Philly...

Friday, July 27, 2018

2-sentence scary stories

Today our Project Write group visited the Edgar Allan Poe National Historic Site. While there, we took inspiration from the father of terrifying tales and wrote our own 2-sentence stories. Here are a few of our creations for your fearful, trembling enjoying!

I was yelling at my brother, but he was ignoring me. I touched his shoulder and my hand went right through. (By Gabriela Petit)

I was frustrated this morning because I couldn't find my shoes. I crouched down under the couch to look for them, and a black, demonic figure handed them back to me. (By Emily Jarosiewicz)

They've killed a lot of vermin. Human and otherwise. (By Iris Kim)

Driving in my car, I started to drift asleep until I heard a beep of a horn. When I looked to my backer, there was no one in the car moving behind me. (By Dylan Henry)

As I brushed my teeth, I looked into the mirror. I was not there. (By Talia Pott)

I hate that I've gotten used to being alone. It hurts that no one visits me at my grave anymore. (By Haley Hutchinson)

I pulled back the covers to my bed. A gaping hole smiles back. (By Talia Pott)

Blog Post - Talia Pott

by Talia Pott, Rising Junior

I am a woman
Do not lie to me and tell me I can’t play sports
Do not say I can’t be a politician
Do not exclude me because of who I am  
Don’t say I can’t dance across the rainbow
Don’t say I can’t swim the fiercest ocean
Because I am strong
I am beautiful
And I can be whatever I want to be
And you can’t stop me from that
I am a woman

Blog Post - Haley Hutchinson

A story inspired by Edgar Allan Poe

The sand squashed beneath my feet as I strode along the surface of the beach. The night was dark, and only a small patch of moonlit ground led me to the ocean. Step, step, step. As I grew closer to the violent waves of the sea, droplets of water splashed against my face, cold and hard, leaving a briny scent in the air nearest to me. The tips of my toes felt the ocean waves, and I questioned myself in that moment. Why was I doing this, subjecting myself to the unforgiving sea? I needed to see him once more. I stripped all sense of fear out of my mind, this is what I needed to do, and plunged myself into the black grasp of the water. I swam. Splashing and struggling, but I swam as far as I could until the sea took me. I open my eyes, and there he is. Chained to the ocean floor, my lover. His skin is now pale, lips blue. Purple veins went up his neck and encircled his face. He struggled. I reach for his hand, and it is cold, but familiar. There’s a burning in my lungs, but I cannot help myself. My brain is screaming for me to return to the water’s surface, but my heart tells me I belong with him. The water takes over, filling my nose, filling my whole body, and I squeeze his hand once more. Before the last patch of light leaves my vision, I feel him squeeze back, as he always did.

Blog Post - Heavenleigh Peters

Heaven-Leigh A. Peters

I want you to say my name
And let it ring as loud as the oppressed can scream
I want you to say my name
And read my poems
And feel the pain
I want you to say my name
And remember how I shouted it even when fear was shoved down my throat
I want you to say my name
For the forgotten
For the hidden
For the silenced
I want you to say my name
And when you do
Say it with the power it once held
And the passion it onced emitted
Say it with arms stretched
Heart out
And mind open
Because that's how I lived it

Thursday, July 26, 2018

Blog Post - Gabriela Petit

I am strong,
I am bright,
Smart and creative. 
I am done with all these people 
Telling me what I can and cannot do. 
I am kind 
And confident,
I am not afraid to do what's right. 
I am loyal 
And brave,
I am beautiful in all ways. 
I am me,
I am a woman.

Blog Post - Iris Kim

There’s a time in the evening. When the sun has gone down but it’s still light out, and you can see the sky darkening as you watch. When your shadow is blue and the air is soft and sweet. When the day is over but there’s still time left. When you have permission to relax, to not be doing anything. It’s a time when the whole world stops for a moment, takes the time to breathe, to allow you to catch up.

You are content. All the movement of the day settles down, and there is peace.

Pantoum by Sahar

Pantoum Poem

The Liberty Bell became a symbol of national reunification at the same time that civil rights were systematically denied to people based on their color.
"This is Primetime, everyone's gonna get to see it."
The original Liberty Bell announced the creation of democracy.
"Can I make a pose?"

"This is Primetime, everyone's gonna get to see it."
Fathers, mothers with babes in their arms, were eager to file past the sacred relic.
"Can I make a pose?"
"Yea, that's why we're here."

Fathers, mothers with babes in their arms, were eager to file past the sacred relic.
"I don't get it."
"Yea, that's why we're here."
"You might wanna touch up on your bondage..."

"I don't get it."
The original liberty bell announced the creation of democracy.
"You might wanna touch up on your bandage..."
The Liberty Bell became a symbol of national reunification at the same time that civil rights were systematically denied to people based on their color.

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Blog Post - Emily Jarosiewicz

I want to leave a legacy on this world, even if most people don’t acknowledge it. Being remembered isn’t the most important part of leaving a legacy. The most important part is making a remarkable and positive change on people around you. If my legacy pushes other people to do great things, then I want my legacy to live on. I want people who live after me to act selflessly and to impact the lives of many people because I left an example to do so. I do not have to be remembered, but I at least want to start a chain reaction of goodness. I want to really help people, or at least just one person. I want to bring brightness or hopefulness to someone. You shouldn’t want to do something just because you want to be remembered. You should lead your own legacy because that’s what makes you happy and because deep down, you know it could affect another person in an amazing and life changing way.

Blog Post - Elizabeth Gray

The paint pristine, a smooth gray exterior, pulling the room together, fragments of sunlight deep through my windows, tearing at the leaves that brush against the glass. Posters and paintings hang on my walls? A specific order contains them all, the colors, the placement mesh in each one. My room, it looks balanced and clean, something you might see in a magazine. But something's not right. The edges of the room look razor sharp from a distance, but when you look closer, you might see the paint chipping or the dust collecting; and those paintings hung precisely on the wall, when I look real close in the glass, I might see the most flawed thing of all, and that thing is me.

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Writers' Work - Pantoum Poems III

- Haley Hutchinson, Rising Junior, Project Write

There's some brutality in democracy
That's why we're here
Interpreting the past
for hidden flaws

That's why we're here
This should resonate with you
For hidden flaws
are a tangible link to the struggle

This should resonate with you
are a tangible link to the struggle
She's panicked

interpreting the past
She's panicked
There's brutality in all democracy


- Iris Kim, Project Write

Let's go see the bell
Half the population has no say in the making of laws
Sometimes the words evolve
I ask you to adopt the principles proclaimed by yourself

Half the population has no say in the making of laws
Stop it!
I ask you to adopt the principles proclaimed by yourselves
You want to see the picture

Stop it!
Justice is an empty word
You want to see the picture
This helped the people who were escaping

Justice is an empty word
Sometimes the words evolve
This helped the people who were escaping
Let's go see the bell


- Heaven-Leigh Peters, Project Write

Excuse you
Ring loud that hallowed bell
You wanna do a selfie?
Drop it

Ring loud that hallowed bell
Wow! That's almost as big as your head!
Drop it
The liberation is underway

Wow! That's almost as big as your head!
By no means excluding women
The liberation is underway
She flew where?

By no means excluding women
Wanna do a selfie?
Oh no, that's horrible
Excuse you


- Ife Islam, Project Write

Let the bell be cast
See the great big bell?
This is not our history but
pick the one you like best and delete the others

See the great big bell?
That bell older than you
Pick the one you like best and delete the others
The liberation is underway

That bell older than you
Ya'll learned this in school?
The liberation is underway
Keep the faith, baby

Ya'll learned this in school?
This is not our history but
keep the faith, baby
Let the bell be cast

Writers' Work - Pantoum Poems II

Pantoum Poem
- Em Jarosicwicz, Project Write

Welcome, folks, to the Liberty Bell
Okay, fine, let's leave!
The uprising ignited a massive movement
Maybe we can go sit down

Okay, fine, let's leave!
Today we can document this once hidden history
Maybe we can go sit down
I don't know where the exit is

Today we can document this once hidden history
I need everything you got
I don't know where the exit is
Freedom denied

I need everything you got
The uprising ignited a massive movement
Freedom denied
Welcome, folks, to the Liberty Bell


- Christo Thankachan

I took trains to get here
Me taking selfies with the Liberty Bell
The bell which rang all day and night
Hey. .. get out of my camera's eyes

Me taking selfies with the Liberty Bell
Speaking out for equality
Hey . . . get out of my camera's eyes
Mama, can I ring that bell for once?

Speaking out for equality
Proclaim liberty through all the land
Mama, can I ring the bell for once?
Can you trade your words for mine?

Proclaim liberty through all the land
The bell which sang all day and night
Can you trade your words for mine?
I took trains to get here


Pantoum Poem
- Elizabeth Gray, Project Write

Even gentle touching can wear away at its surface
I thought you were unbeatable
You're going to believe me?
The picture of freedom denied

I thought you were unbeatable
The picture of freedom denied
Are you skipping everything?

Their blood runs cold
Are you skipping everything?
I didn't say that

Their blood runs cold
You're going to believe me?
I didn't say that
Even gentle touching can wear away at its surface

Writers' Work - Pantoum Poems I

The Liberty Bell -- Pantoum
-Talia Pott, Rising Junior, Project Write

Keep the faith, Baby, the fight is not yet over
A very significant symbol for the whole world
No turning back
Let’s take a selfie

A very significant symbol for the whole world
And they smoke it away
Let’s take a selfie
Let’s go the gift shop

They smoke it away
A baby cries
Let’s go to the gift shop
The Dodgers are in town

A baby cries
No turning back
The Dodgers are in town
Keep the faith, baby, the fight is not yet over


- Gabriela Petit, Project Write

How was it cracked?
No turning back.
Did all y'all want to be in there?

Fathers . . . Mothers with babes in arms
That's why we're here
No turning back

How was it cracked?
Did all y'all want to be in there?
Crowds swarmed to see the bell
That's why we're here

Crowds swarmed to see the bell
yes we can go
No turning back


Pantoum Poem
- Mecca Patterson-Grady, Rising 8th grader, Project Write

"Let's take a picture"
Like a religious relic, the Liberty Bell attracted huge crowds as it traveled throughout the nation
Ring, ring the mighty bell
In the storm, in the storm

Like a religious relic, the Liberty Bell attracted huge crowds as it traveled throughout the nation
"Have a good day looking at the Liberty Bell"
Ring, ring the mighty bell
In the storm, in the storm

"Have a good day looking at the Liberty Bell"
Wherever chained, til universal liberty for all be gained
Ring, ring the mighty bell
In the storm, in the storm

Wherever chained, til universal liberty for all be gained
Like a religious relic, the Liberty Bell attracted huge crowds as it traveled throughout the nation
Civil rights were systematically denied to people based on the color of their skin
Ring, ring the mighty bell, in the storm, in the storm
"Let's take a picture"

Project Write - Day 1 - Pantoum Poems!

Hello Project Write friends, family and fans!

We kicked off our 2018 summer camp today with a visit to the Liberty Bell and a Pantoum Poem activity. A pantoum poem is a type of found poem. In our case, students blended lines they read in the Liberty Bell Center with phrases and comments they overheard from other guests and visitors. The 'found' lines were then arranged into 4-stanza poems following a specific set of guidelines. Check out our writers' work and I think you'll agree that they created some powerful pieces!

Friday, July 20, 2018

Project Write Orientation 2018

Hey writers! It was great to meet some of you at orientation yesterday.

Here's a quick rundown of what you missed if you weren't able to make it:
Thomas Jefferson made a surprise appearance to discuss editing and revision, those dreaded words that strike fear into every writer's heart. He showed us how even he had to edit his own writing, and reminded us that words aren't always louder than actions--because words are actions.

But no worries if you weren't at orientation. After all, the best is yet to come! We've got a jam-packed couple of weeks coming up: pantoum poems, a visit to Edgar Allan Poe's house, and a scavenger hunt, just to name a few highlights.

We can't wait to build a community of writers with you. See you Tuesday, July 24 at 9am!