Thursday, July 21, 2022

More Scary Stories!

 Zion Alexis

Her eyes have me entrapped and I can't look away because I know there is a pistol in my peripheral. I can't lose this staring contest because I will lose my life.

It's so hard to make out my reflection. My mirror is in shards and covered in blood; apparently, I am, too.

Zephyra DeVine

The Horizon was sailing surely for three days, when suddenly it slowed and a sharp, acrid smell filled the air. When the sailors looked overboard, they saw that the water had thickened, and its hue was redder than ripe cherries.

The Carsons were taking their annual cross-country drive to visit the children’s grandmother at about noon when the first drop of blood hit the car roof. No one noticed until the hail and fire hit, but those on the road died before the worst came.

Jacob Johnson

I hear the sound of a chainsaw in my backyard. There are no trees around.

My neighbor says he needs a new baseball bat. He doesn't play sports.


  1. Jacob, I can't stop wondering what the neighbor did with the first bat!

  2. Zion, I love that there's more than one meaning to the sentence "It's so hard to make out my reflection." On the one hand, the mirror is literally broken, so of course the character can't see. But they're also totally unaware of themselves--so much that they're surprised to find they're covered in blood. Chilling!

  3. Zephyra, what a talent for imagery! I can see your sentences as if they were shots in a horror movie. I'm so curious about what happens to The Horizon!
