Thursday, July 23, 2020

Jayla's Blog Post

Excerpt from a work in progress - this story is about how every time Georgia creates an expression for Flat INDE he/she comes to life.


As Georgia sat on her bed, she heard three knocks on her door. She rushed down her long hallway and skipped down the stairs. Georgia hopped on her couch and peeked out the window, but to her surprise, there was no one in sight. Then she got up and opened up the front door. There on Georgia’s steps lay an orange package with her name on it. She then picked up the package confusedly and brought it into her living room. “

What could this be”? she thought eagerly. Georgia wanted to wait until her mother got home to open the package, but she was so impatient that she ripped in right open. Inside she found two plastic bells one of which was blank, a wet erase marker, and a note. The note read, “Enclosed are your two copies of Flat INDE. You can draw on your Flat INDE, but only using the wet erase marker in the package. Do NOT use any other marker. That would make Flat INDE sad. If you want to remove what you have drawn on Flat INDE to change its expression, just wipe gently with a wet paper towel. Then, dry Flat INDE with a clean paper towel and you can start all over again.”


  1. Oh, I can't wait to see where this goes! I liked the description in the first paragraph, especially where Georgia "hopped on her couch and peeked out the window."

  2. Jayla- I love the way in which you captured the excitement of your Protagonist, Georgia as She reacts
    to the arrival of the package in the Mail.It brought back memories of how excited I was as a youth to
    receive a Package in the mail with my name on it. I can`t wait to see what happens to flat Inde during the course of the Story. Please keep writing.

  3. What a great idea, Jayla. I'm intrigued by the possibilities you can create using a full spectrum of emotions for Flat INDE.

  4. Jayla,
    I loved hearing about Georgia's experience. Your descriptions really made me feel the movement and excitement in your piece.
