Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Blog post by Alana Amai

Almost Happy Ending

He arrived randomly

On a spring day

Though we were surprised

He was welcomed in

Helpful and polite

Til the day that he died

And was no longer here

Leaving cause for fear

Though he was kind that was

His fate

Blood was splattered

No one was safe 

Everyone fled

Not wanting to be next

As a message in blood

By his abandoned body 


All who are kind 

Will soon end up dead.

- Alana Amai


  1. This is a powerful piece and I had to read it several times. I was immediately drawn into the story with the first Stanza: " He arrived randomly one spring Day". "Though we were surprised, he was welcomed in". After reading this I wanted to know more about the Individual. However, by the time we read the second stanza you indicate what will be the main characters fate. I was especially moved by the last stanza:" All who are kind will soon end up dead". I like reading pieces that cause me to ponder.

  2. I feel like I just experienced an entire horror movie! I had to re-read this a couple times because I'm so curious about the speaker. They say "we" were surprised, indicating that they are part of the group... but the rest of the poem reads like third-person omniscient POV. Somewhere along the way, it's like the narrator stops being part of the group and starts observing them instead. Perhaps the speaker is the murderer?

    It's also interesting that the last line could be read as an explanation of why the victim was murdered... but it could also mean that the murderer is coming after the group specifically because they were kind enough to "welcome" the victim in the first place. So chilling!

  3. I, too, was immediately drawn in. Compelling and mysterious! Makes me want to know more
