Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Blog post by Maggie Schmidt, inspired by Poe's House

The tapping.

Tap tap tap goes the sound through the wall

In the bedroom and kitchen and up through the hall

Surely it’s got to be distracting now 

To give no reaction, I can't comprehend how

Tap tap tap moves around and around

My fingers are tired from making this sound

Through the small hole in the wall I peer into the house

I feel as if though I’m as small as a mouse

His hands cover his ears all day and all night

I start tapping even louder just out of spite

I watch as my tapping drives him insane

He rips down the walls to take away the pain 

As he pulls down the last wall and trips into my trap 

His last three words were tap tap tap.

-Maggie Schmidt


  1. I love the repetition of "tap, tap, tap" and the language in that last stanza - "trips into my trap" - is downright creepy! Nice work.

  2. This is so deliciously creepy! The rhyme scheme is so simple that it's almost childlike, which only makes the poem more ominous. You turn the playful rhythm, along with something as innocuous as tapping, into something threatening.

    The first stanza had me thinking this was the POV of the person hearing the tapping, since that's a perspective Poe often explores. I love that you subvert expectations by giving us the story from inside the wall. Such a good twist!
