Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Pantoum Poem by Abeni Johnson

Pantoum Poem by Abeni Johnson

Washington square
The society of little garden
Linked in memory (lays)
Unmarked graves containing soldiers from the revolutionary war

The society of little garden
Honoring earths green
Unmarked graves containing soldiers from the revolutionary war
(cause) Through their sacrifice the constitution lives… we the people

Honoring earths green
Washington square serve as a burial ground
…(where) We the people
Every morning in honor raise and lower the American flag

Washington square served as a burial ground
Containing forty-fifty soldiers all in one coffin hole
In honor (we) raise and lower the flag (at)
The society of little garden


  1. The poem flows really well.

  2. Every part of your poem is really well connected

    1. I very much enjoyed reading your Pantoum Poem. I especially marvelled at the manner in which you contrasted the Square as a place to honor the Fallen( "Washington Square served as a burial ground") along with the idea that it is also a place which is full of life.('The Society of Little Gardens").
